Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I have red hair

Yup I have red hair. L'Oreal Excellance calls it 7RB. I started coloring it last year, right before my 32nd birthday. It IS naturally red though. And 7RB is a perfect match! I love having red hair. It kindof makes I totally get offended when someone calls it brown. Not that I don't like brown hair. But I don't have brown hair.

Growing up, I was called Red, Carrot top, and whatever else you can call a red head. But I was also complimented everywhere I went. So much that by the time I was 6 or 7 insted of saying thank you, I said "Yeah, I know"! I can still see my mother cringe. My mother, a redhead as well, tried to bring me up as properly as can be. And everytime I said "I know" it was like nails an a chalk board to her.

My firs baby was a boy, his har was so red it was almost purple. But, to my dismay, it all fell out and made way for his thick straight blond hair. My second son was born with blond hair, very unlike his older brother's. His is thick and curly. His curls are to him what my red is to me. I hope he never goes through that horrible phase that teenage boys go through, and shave it off. I'd be devistated. My third and final baby...a girl. When I found out I was having a girl, I knew right away that she was going to have red hair. I could feel it. And what do you know...she has red hair!! I love it! She doesn't have her brother's thickness, or beautiful curls, but it's RED!!

Since the first time I took her out, we got compliments. "Oh my look at that beautiful hair", and "Wow, she sure looks like her Momma". I know she will get to the point where she's so sick of it, like I was. But i know she will come to appeciate her unique hair color. I see alot of redheads now. I don't know if I'm just noticing them more, or if they've been there all along. There's a rumor, or urban legend that red heads are becoming extinct. I don't know if that's true or not. I'm just happy, like my mother before me, that I could do my part to further our existance.