Thursday, April 15, 2010

Skinny Bitch

Over the last cdouple years I've gained alot of weight. My peak weight was about 185, which is only 5lbs less then I was at my MOST pregnant. I felt gross! I can't believe I let myself go so badly. It's not like I was huge or anything. I mean I know alot of people that are over 200. But it was huge to me. My ideal weight is 130. That's what I was at my wedding almost 9 years ago. And believe it or not I thought I was fat back then. Ugh, to be that skinny again. I wish I had know many times have you heard or said that. It's a cliche because it's true. But on to the better news. I started a diet in Feb (it's april now) And I'm down almost 20 lbs. I stared at 182.4. Last week I was 163.4, but this week I was 166.8. I was bad last weekend. I had a little chineese food. Not as much as I would usually eat, but I knew it was wrong to eat it. Was it worth that instant gratification? At the time it was, but gaining 3 lbs in a week kinda sucked. I don't think it was the food itself. I mean can you really gain 3 lbs from 2 eggrolls and 1 chicken finger? I don't know. But the scale doesn't lie. I'm back on track now. I was good all weekend. Well except one time...but that was the only thing I swear!! I've been "in the box", and I even got to have fish last night. I'm going into phase 2 of my diet where I'm starting to incorporate real food back in. I'm going to Cancun in 2 weeks and I want to be good. Can I loose 10 more lbs in 2 weeks? we'll see. But this cake that's been sitting on the counter all week is taunting me. I feel like Alice, and the cake is saying "eat me" I can resist!! I will!! I'm only cheating myself.