Saturday, September 6, 2008

Am I still cool?

Well, I started a blog but then forgot about it. I usually do things like that. Anyway. Well the house I was talking about got sold. Not to us. After we saw it it wasn't the same anyway. It was kind of a dump. But whatever. We'll just suffer in this one a little longer. Tristan and Tucker started school recently. Tristan is in first grade, Tuck is in nursery. I cna't believe it!! Quinn is just as cute as ever!! She's got her momma's red hair (I love it!!) We're all sick right now though. Tristan must have caught it in school, and passed it along. I was supposed to go to a wedding tonight. But Rick is going to be going alone. At least it'll be a quiet night...I hope. Quinn has been waking up alot during the night recently. We'll see I guess. It would have been nice to have a night out. But I'm not feeling well anyway, so I guess it's better. Maybe I'll rent a chick flick. Ot's raining again. It's been beautiful for a week straight. I was at camp last weekend, and had a great time. This has been the rainiest summer I can remember. Everything at camp was damp and moldy, icky. Gutta go cut rick's hair now. Weird I know...