Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just writing to write

T-Mobil just called and said I didn't pay for March yet, and I did, so now I have to go to the bank and get proof that I've paid the bill or my phone will be shut off. Stupid. Well I have to go out anyway to go food shopping so maybe I'll just go to Shaws and drop in Citizen's bank while I'm there. I hate food shopping. But we need some things, so I have to go. The house is a mess again. I didn't do anything yesterday, and it looks like a tornado went through it. It's been worse though. Still no word on the other house. I don't think we're getting it. boo hoo.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm so cool now

I was just reading one of my journal entries on another site and thought you know, maybe I'll start a blog. There are so many things that I just don't remember, but want to. And thank god I wrote that other thing down, cuz I totally forgot about it!! It was the time that Tristan said Santa could see his butt when I was putting sunscreen on him. SO funny. So now I'm gonna try to keep things here. So just to start off...Today is a beautiful day, the sky is blue and the ice is melted off the pond. Hopefully it's not cold again. The boys are watchin Spongebob...I know such a great Mom. lol. And Quinn is Rolling around on the floor. She'll be crawling soon I think. She's really starting to come into her own lately.
I feel like I'm finally starting to grow up lately. I know that sounds funny, cuz I've been married for almost 7 years and I have 3 kids. It took a couple things to bring me where I am...1. getting fired-I know that doesn't sound like a positive thing, and let me tell you it doesn't feel good either. 2. Going BROKE, not as in bankrupt, but as in 3,000 in the negative in my checking acct, and NO savings! So how have these things helped me? Getting fired has taught me responsibility, and awareness for one is going to watch out for me. Even though I do something right and I'm good at what I do, someone is always going to be there to point out what I do wrong, and I have to be able to speak up for myself. Going broke has taught me to be responsible of our finances. I'm 31 years old and I've never balanced my checkbook! So I installed Quicken and have been doing AWESOME! I'm also in counselling which I hope will help me with self-esteem issues I've had since childhood.
But enough about that. I wanted to start this so I could remember positive things. So I'll stat with Tristan. He is doing SO awesome reading and sounding out words. he's still as energetic as ever, and most of the time I'm yelling at him to calm down. But it's who he is! He is so physical But is full of finesse. I'd love to sign him up for Karate or Gymnastics. Tucker on the other had lacks all finesse. He falls at least 10 times daily and it's hard not to compare him with Tristan physically. But emotionally and mentally he's in his own! He is the most lovable stubborn child!! He plays so well by himself, loves to hug and kiss and snuggle, but sometimes openly defies me to a point that I want to wring his neck. But he's 2 and this is how he's supposed to be. He was a breeze to potty train, and is just learning how to jump. Yes I said jump, and he's so proud of himself too. Quinn is my little princess, I know so cliche' but so true. She's such a good baby. She gets fussy around dinner time but most of the day she's so good. She goes down for naps without a peep, and is almost sleeping through the night. She has 2 new teeth and has yet to bite me on purpose. Like I said earlier, she'll be crawling soon. In a lot of ways she reminds me of Tristan when he was a baby. But we'll see. She's her own person, and a girl to boot. I have to learn not to compare, but it's so hard. They're all wonderful children and I can't wait to see what lies in store.